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A father and a mom with a kid standing on a beach at sunset, with inflatable water structures floating in the background. The calm sea and pastel-colored sky create a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere, perfect for an evening by the water.

Trabajo, vida y ocio

En Próspera puedes integrar a la perfección tu trabajo, tu hogar y tu vida de ocio. Disfruta de espacios de trabajo de primera categoría, cómodas opciones de vivienda y multitud de actividades recreativas, todo en una comunidad vibrante.

Tu nuevo hogar te espera

Únete a nuestra comunidad y relaciónate con emprendedores y profesionales que piensan como tú. Amplía tu red de contactos a través de interesantes sesiones y debates que fomentan la colaboración y la innovación.

Indoor conference or seminar with attendees seated in rows, listening to speakers on a stage. A large screen behind the speakers displays PROSPERA and Think Digital, with plants and colorful decorations enhancing the setting. The room has large windows allowing natural light to brighten the space.
A group of people seated in a circle, participating in a discussion led by a standing speaker in a bright room with large windows. A television screen displays related content, and the room offers views of greenery outside, creating a relaxed and engaging atmosphere for the meeting.
A group of people seated and listening to a speaker in a room, with a large screen displaying LOFI SEA VIBES. The setting includes posters on the walls and large windows providing natural light. The atmosphere appears casual and focused, with the audience engaged in the presentation.

Para toda la familia

Regálale a tu familia un entorno seguro, estimulante y enriquecedor. Con una escuela Montessori de primer nivel, servicios de guardería y un sinfín de actividades para toda la familia, Próspera es el lugar ideal para crecer juntos.

Two boys playing a game of giant Jenga on a sandy beach, with a backdrop of trees and balloons. The scene is bright and sunny, featuring a festive setup with colorful decorations and a beautiful ocean view in the background.
Two girls sitting on the floor in a classroom, raising their hands and engaging in a lesson. The environment is relaxed, with books and materials scattered around, and shelves filled with educational resources in the background.
Two girls smiling and enjoying a boat ride, with one of them waving at the camera. Other passengers are visible in the background, creating a lively and cheerful atmosphere on the water.

Únete a una comunidad vibrante

Forma parte de una vibrante comunidad de personas que comparten ideas afines y valoran la innovación, la colaboración y una visión compartida del futuro. Participa en eventos y actividades con regularidad que fomentan conexiones duraderas.

A group of people sitting on wicker furniture under a tent, engaging in a lively conversation. A man is speaking into a microphone, creating a relaxed and social atmosphere in an outdoor setting.
A large group of children and a few adults gathered under a wooden sign that reads PROSPERA, smiling and posing for the camera. The setting appears to be a community event or celebration, with everyone looking cheerful and engaged.
Two men standing indoors, closely looking at their smartphones, one wearing a straw hat and a crossbody bag, and the other in a floral shirt. They appear to be discussing or sharing something on their phones, creating an atmosphere of casual engagement.

Vive una vida saludable y activa

Dale prioridad a tu bienestar con acceso a instalaciones de gimnasio de primera categoría, actividades al aire libre y programas de bienestar. Disfruta de un estilo de vida equilibrado que favorece tu salud física y mental.

Aerial view of two adjacent tennis courts with blue surfaces, surrounded by green grass and landscaping. One court also features a smaller, yellow-colored area likely used for a different sport or activity. The courts are well-maintained and situated near a parking area and a red car.
A woman sitting on a wooden deck by the beach, wearing a colorful summer dress and sunglasses, holding a tablet and a drink. The serene beach and calm water create a relaxed atmosphere, with boats and a dock visible in the background.
Close-up of a golf club and ball on an artificial turf near a water hazard on a golf course. The calm water and greenery in the background create a peaceful and focused setting for a game of golf.

¿Listo para vivir la experiencia Próspera?

Reserva tu viaje
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Conveniently Located and Accessible

Visita sin necesidad de visado desde la mayoría de los países

Los viajeros de muchos países pueden visitar Honduras sin necesidad de visa durante un máximo de 90 días. Esto incluye a ciudadanos de Estados Unidos, Canadá, la mayor parte de Europa y muchos otros países.

Vuelos directos desde los principales centros de conexiones mundiales

Viajar a Roatán es muy práctico, con vuelos directos desde los principales centros de conexión del mundo. Próspera está a 20 minutos del aeropuerto.

A small commercial airplane taxiing on a runway with a backdrop of a clear blue sky and ocean. The foreground features a grassy field, highlighting the airport's coastal location.

Opciones de alojamiento

Próspera ofrece una gran variedad de opciones de alojamiento para todos los presupuestos, tanto dentro como fuera de la ciudad. Si buscas un alojamiento de lujo o una estancia económica, encontrarás el lugar perfecto que se adapte a tus necesidades.

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